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webmaster - News | 2010-07-15 | Count:2173
  Date: 15 Sep., 2009 – 15 Jul., 2010     The TSSBE members, including seven board members, were the team group to help the Ministry of Education to promote the new stage for Sustainable Campus Project as new trend "Low-Carbon, Disaster Prevention and Ecological Cycle Efficienc... Read More

webmaster - News | 2010-05-05 | Count:1825
This link informs about the latest developments in the Series of SB10 and SB11 Conferences. This series is being coordinated by Dr. Bill Porteous on behalf of CIB, iiSBE and UNEP .  Actual dates and newsletters are at the official SB10 websitehttp://ww... Read More

webmaster - Announcement | 2010-03-31 | Count:1612
    During those days from November 2009 to February 2010, the TSSBE has continuous step by step to join and promote Ecocity and Sustainable Building development in Taiwan.  There are some important events which TSSBE co-hosted and attended aggressively: 2009 Conference on ... Read More

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Contact Info
Wang Wen-an, President
Li Yen-yi, Secretary General
TEL : +886-2-25683764
FAX : +886-2-25819435
E-mail : wangwenan@iisbe-taiwan.org
Address :
5F, No. 4, Sec. 1,
Chang'an E. Rd.,Taipei,
Taiwan, 10441
About Us
TSSBE(iiSBE Taiwan) was founded on 2 June, 2007. Its objectives are to promote international communication of academic and practical activities related to sustainable building and symbiotic environment.... [more]
Profile Update